Post by Garlon3Awhat a great idea!!!...the europeans have been screwing us for 2,000 years.
after the holocaust...the europeans...especially the germans....had an
obligation to finally end the jewish giving them their own
homeland in central or eastern europe. it could be in the crimea...or some
of the territory that used to be germany.<
Why just the Europeans? After all, Muhammad in 628 AD ethnically
expelled the Jews from Medna, a town that the Jewish tribes founded
(originally called Yathrib) and had been living there for 500 years
since the ROmans destroyed Judea in 132 AD and renamed it to
"Palestina." He had hundreds beheaded, took their wives and children as
slaves, and used the Jewish money he robbed to pay the 10,000 former
pagan tribesmen to being his jihad against the Byzantine (Christian)
empire and the rest of the world. BTW, Crimea was never part of
Germany. It's part of the Ukraine.
But no land on earth belongs to the Jewish nation EXCEPT the Land of
ISrael, so how can Jews be "put" on other people's land? THat's
colonialism. Any land that is not yours is occupied the way Greeks and
Romans and Arabs occupied the JEwish homeland and made
it impossible for the JEws to remain there as a sovereign nation.
Post by Garlon3Aits a great idea...but 50 years too late. had the allies created a jewish
state out of some part of would have been a great idea and true
No, it would have been an injustice to the Germans, or Ugandans or any
other nation. Jews have lived in exile at the whim and sufferance of
other people for 2,000 years for lack of having their own homeland. The
only "justice" is the reestablishment of the Jewish state in its
historic land.
Post by Garlon3Aand the jews wouldnt have been having a terrorism problem..<
Sure they would. On whomever's land they would have been artificially
placed, whether on the lands of Europeans, or Africans or Asians, the
locals would have eventually risen up. Even if the JEws were settled in
Antarctica, the penguins would have formed a PLO, or PEnguin Liberatoin
Army to push out the Jews! The only TRUE answer is for the Arabs to
acknowledge that the Land of Israel is Jewish land, and apologize to
the Jews for placing their mosques on top of the Temple Mount!
Post by Garlon3Aand all
the other world problems that have come out of the placing of a jewish state
in the middle of the muslem middle east. if we only knew then.....what we
know now.<
Many knew in 1919 that the restoration of a Jewish homeland in
Palestine might lead to unending violence, but so what? The League of
Nations in 1922 ruled that the Jewish homeland is to be restored in
Palestine, and gave the JEwsih people the right, under international
law, to return, have a zionist agency buy land from the Arab landlords,
and settle purchased lands, state lands and wastelands for the purpose
of reestablishing a Jewish majority and Jewish homeland. Anyone can
look it up by "googling" League of Nations San Remo 1922 and find the
text of the League of Nations mandate and read it for themselves.
But the US doesn't have to be involved. Israel took care of itself in
1948 and 1956 and 1967 and even in 1973 wars with minimal US
involvement! The US got involved for many reasons besides Israel in the
Middle East, especially securing oil supplies first from SOviet
imperialism during the Cold War, and now against Islamofascistic
imperialism. ISrael is certainly a factor, but hardly the only one.